All About Riqui

Who am I: When you figure it out, let me know, m’kay? But seriously, after a 15-year career as a secondary Social Studies Teacher (and a lifetime fiber crafter) I decided to throw my hat into the design biz. After futzing around for about 3 years designing stuff JUST FOR ME!!!!, I released my first patterns to the public and there’s the birth of STFA.

What I do: all of it. No like fucking all of it – design, testing, marketing, website maintenance, fan group wrangling, book keeping, inventory, customer service, machine maintenance, trouble-shooting, chief cook and bottle washer.

What I love: designing. That’s my super-fav thing about this whole little circus. Followed CLOSELY in second place by watching newbies “get it” and rock and roll on a pattern without problems for the first time. No, really, it is totally awesome to see someone succeed, especially when they have spent so much time telling themselves they can’t do it – That’s BULLSHIT! You can TOTALLY do it!

Pet Peeve: People being dicks to one another. Seriously, life is tough enough. Don’t add to the burden, help carry it.

Life outside STFA: Married to my high school sweetie who just retired after a 20-year career as a Naval Aviator, four fur-babies of the feline persuasion, and SEVERAL “accidental” children of whom we are SO PROUD OF, one of which who is a mod here in STFA. After Scott retired, we moved “home” to Texas to help care for his parents who are at “that age.”

OTHER hobbies: reading, quilting, costuming & cosplay, travel, GAME NIGHT (board games), I used to be super-heavy into comics and graphic novels and I’d like to get back into it but adulting is so exhausting.

Fav Fandoms: Firefly, Wonder Woman, Star Wars, Buffy, Supernatural, Stephen King, Harry Potter, basically – everything!

#Mod handle: I wanted something cool like Queen of the Universe or Empress of Darkness but looks like the masses have decided #STFAMom!!! on my behalf. Uhg

Per Heather: “Riqui Gardner, first of her name, Empress of Darkness, the Unfuckwithable, Queen of the Universe and all therein (bow down, bitches), breaker of Rules and Mother of Everyone” and goddamnit I am RUNNING WITH IT!!!!

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